1) What is the concept?
The concept is simple, Give This 2Ya can also be known as "Recycle Bin Online".
At everyday, we will have some virtual files in our computer that we don't need them anymore and ready to press delete key or SHIFT-delete key for them; or something relevant to our everyday life that we want to throw it into rubbish bin such as used paper, plastic bag or anything else. If we could share these things online rather than delete them or throw them into rubbish bin, we might help someone who is looking for them. Besides that, we also can help our earth too.
2) What can I do in Give This 2Ya?
Give This 2Ya is a place where everyone around the world to share anything that they don't need it anymore and would like to give it to somebody else. It's better to give it to somebody else who need it rather than throw it into rubbish bin or delete it, right? You can even post a piece of used tissue paper here, who knows, you might help a scientist who is looking for it long time ago for research purpose? In addition, if you see any stuff that interests you, you can always contact the owner of the stuff and take away the stuff for FREE.
3) What kind of stuff I can post in Give This 2Ya?
a) Any virtual file in your computer hard drive that you don't need it anymore and prepare to press delete key for it.
Example: picture, photo, document, text, song, video, game, freeware, etc.
b) Anything relevant to your everyday life that you prepare to throw it into rubbish bin or send it to recycling center.
Example: newspaper, bottle, computer, TV, toy, speaker, furniture, box, food, etc.
**Important: You have to make sure anything you post in Give This 2Ya is not copyrighted by someone else and not Private & Confidential.
4) How can I post my stuff in Give This 2Ya?
a) To make it simple, you can always post your message under the "Post Your Stuff Here" Shoutbox located at right sidebar and describe the stuff you would like to post there. Inside your message, please state 3 necessary details regarding to your stuff:
Stuff Name, Stuff Location, Your Contact.
b) Or, you can submit a picture for your stuff too. This is easier for the visitor to understand your stuff quickly. Image size must be 120x120 pixels and in reasonable size that is between 10KB and 30KB. You can send the picture to me at adam_lew85@yahoo.com, together with all 3 necessary details regarding to your stuff.
5) Any fee I need to pay for posting my stuff here?
NO. Everyone can use Give This 2Ya for free to give something to someone else who need it.
6) Can I sell my stuff here?
NO. You are strictly prohibited to sell anything here to earn money under any circumstances. This also means that it can not involved any money transaction when you use Give This 2Ya to give something to someone else or vice versa. You are ready to give something voluntarily to someone else so you can't take any money from the one who is interested to take away your stuff.
7) How many maximum stuffs that I can post in Give This 2Ya?
No limit. The more you post here, the more you can help the people and the world.
Give This 2Ya © 2008 Adam Lew. All rights reserved.
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